Monday, August 13, 2007

Bridal Party Job Descriptions

Recently one of my Brides was wondering about the Bridal Party and what specifically each Bridesmaid, Usher and even Maid of Honour is responsible for... I've decide to post a few Job descriptions for the Maid of Honour and Brides Maid - just incase any more brides are facing the same dilema...

The Maid of Honour - General Duties –

The Maid of Honor is, after the bride, the primary member of the bride's wedding party in a wedding. Specifically, she is the primary attendant with the most honors and duties of the bridal party, and is considered the equivalent of the groom's best man.

In the North America, the bride might have several bridesmaids, but the Maid of Honor is the title and position held by the bride's chief attendant, typically her closest friend or sister. If married, the title Matron of Honor is used.
Her duties may be as many or as varied as the bride may wish to impose upon her, but typically, she is responsible for:
Pre wedding – Both Maid of Honor and Bridesmaids may attend to these details…

. Travelling with the bride to help choose a wedding venue.
. Helping to choose and address wedding invitations.
. Going with the bride to help with the shopping for her wedding dress as well as the bridesmaid dresses.
. Going with the bride to register for her wedding gifts.
. Helping the bride with the seating arrangements.
. Hosting and planning the bridal shower with the mother – In – law, as well as the bachelorette party.
. Maintaining communication and organization with the other bridesmaids.
. Attending and assisting during the rehearsal dinner.

Wedding day

. Assisting the bride with her dress and makeup.
. Being the messenger if the bride wants to communicate sight-unseen with the family or groom.
. Visiting the reception room to check on the details.
. Helping to make sure the bride has privacy before the ceremony if desired.
. Signing of the marriage licence after the ceremony.
. Helping the bride with her veil and train before, during and after the ceremony.
. Holding the bride’s bouquet during the ceremony as required.
. Holding the groom's wedding ring to hand to the bride during the ceremony
. Making a toast and/or speech during the reception.
. Securing any money as might be given to the wedding couple during the reception.
. Providing emotional support as needed.

Specific Duties for the Maid of Honour –

. Attend brides’s Dress Fittings
. Co-ordintate the Bridesmaids to attend their own dress fittings
. Help choose and Address Wedding invites
. Coordinate Games with the Brides maids at the shower – delegate 1 game to each bridesmaid and have the bridesmaid run that game.
. Assist in organizing the seating plan for the Shower
. Assist in organizing the seating plan for the Wedding day
. Organize and select invites for the Bachelorrette party (normally a few weeks before the wedding day)
. Unanswered RSVP’s please call the late RSVP’ers to ensure they are coming to the wedding
. Ensure an emergency kit for the day of the wedding
. Ensure Marriage license on the wedding day
. Ensure all Bridesmaids are on-time and accounted for on the wedding day.
.Ensure all Bridesmaids have their hair and make-up done in the manner selected by the bride.
. Essentially you are the supervisor of the bridesmaids and must ensure that they are all on cue.
. Sign the Marriage license on the wedding day
. At the receiving line at the reception you are to stand closest to the Best Man at the Party favors, welcome guests and hand out party favors.
. pay for own wedding dress and alterations

A bridesmaid is a girl or young woman who attends to the bride during or after a wedding or marriage ceremony. Traditionally, bridesmaids were chosen from unwed young women of marriageable age.
. Hosting and planning the bridal shower as well as the bachelorette party.
. Maintaining communication and organization with the other bridesmaids.
. Attending and assisting during the rehearsal dinner.
. Making a toast and/or speech during the reception.
. Attending the receiving line at the Reception to your delegated position, for instance, seating cards, signing book, etc…
. Providing emotional support as needed to the couple or bride.

Specific Duties of the Bridesmaid... Notice How much Shorter this is....

. Listen to the Maid of Honour in delegated responsibilities – doing otherwise will cause the bride undue stress.
. Attend all Dress Fittings for Bridesmaid Gowns
. Be a willing participant in what is asked of you as a Bridesmaid
. Take on 1 Game at the Bridal Shower – run the game – be responsible for having bridal shower guests play the game.
. Be on time for all wedding meetings
. Be on time for all pre wedding events
. Assist the Maid of Honour in planning the bachelorette – making dinner arrangements, club reservations, etc…
. Responsible to pay for your own gown and alterations

On the Wedding Day...

- Be attentive and council the bride as she's getting ready and on the way to the church
- Assist the Bridal Party at the reception - for instance at the Reception Receiving line

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